Detailed program
Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev)
Welcome to the annual assembly of the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev). This is an opportunity to learn more about SweDev, influence the workplan, and meet SweDev’s secretariat and Steering Committee.
Join us online or in Uppsala (location to be provided later). The assembly is open to all. Register here:
We invite all participants to a mingle after the event.
SweDev connects development researchers across Sweden to strengthen collaboration within the research community and to increase interaction between development researchers and practitioners. SweDev seeks to support the use of research-based knowledge for efficient policymaking and practice among Swedish actors working for the 2030 Agenda. Become a member today!
Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
Important dates
6 December 2021: Abstract submission opens
7 March 2022: Extended deadline for abstract submission
End of April 2022: Notification of abstract acceptance
16 May 2022: Opening of registration